The Big Bang Theory - Leonard Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity
The Big Bang Theory - Leonard Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity
The Big Bang Theory - Leonard Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity
The Big Bang Theory - Leonard Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity
The Big Bang Theory - Leonard Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity
The Big Bang Theory - Leonard Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity
The Big Bang Theory - Leonard Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity
The Big Bang Theory - Leonard Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity
The Big Bang Theory - Leonard Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity
The Big Bang Theory - Leonard Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity

The Big Bang Theory - Leonard Q-Fig Figure

The Big Bang Theory - Howard Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity
The Big Bang Theory - Howard Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity
The Big Bang Theory - Howard Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity
The Big Bang Theory - Howard Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity
The Big Bang Theory - Howard Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity
The Big Bang Theory - Howard Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity
The Big Bang Theory - Howard Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity
The Big Bang Theory - Howard Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity

The Big Bang Theory - Howard Q-Fig Figure

The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity
The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity
The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity
The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity
The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity
The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity
The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity
The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity
The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity
The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon Q-Fig Figure - Scientific Curiosity

The Big Bang Theory - Sheldon Q-Fig Figure

Sheldon Cooper est le personnage central de la série. Il possède un QI de 18722 sur l'échelle de Cattell (ce qui correspond à un QI de 154-155 sur l'échelle de Wechsler utilisée en France), ce qui le place parmi les personnes les plus intelligentes de la planète (il est d'ailleurs communément nommé « Un des plus grands cerveaux du xxie siècle »). 
Movie:1035 Blade Runner(1982) - Pris - Scientific Curiosity
Movie:1035 Blade Runner(1982) - Pris - Scientific Curiosity

Blade Runner(1982) - Pris

Dune: A Game of Conquest and Diplomacy FR - Scientific Curiosity
Dune: A Game of Conquest and Diplomacy FR - Scientific Curiosity
Dune: A Game of Conquest and Diplomacy FR - Scientific Curiosity
Dune: A Game of Conquest and Diplomacy FR - Scientific Curiosity

Dune: A Game of Conquest and Diplomacy FR

Dans DUNE, prenez le contrôle d’une grande faction parmi la Maison Atréides, la Maison Harkonnen, les Fremen et l’Imperium, et luttez pour le contrôle de la ressource la plus précieuse de l’univers : l’épice, qui n’existe que sur la planète Dune, et exige de lourds sacrifices. Envoyez vos troupes sur Dune, récoltez l’épice, prenez le contrôle des citadelles du désert, et anéantissez vos ennemis. Qui contrôlera DUNE ? À vous de décider !

Funkoverse Rick and Morty - Expandalone FR - Scientific Curiosity
Funkoverse Rick and Morty - Expandalone FR - Scientific Curiosity
Funkoverse Rick and Morty - Expandalone FR - Scientific Curiosity
Funkoverse Rick and Morty - Expandalone FR - Scientific Curiosity

Funkoverse Rick and Morty - Expandalone FR

In Rick and Morty 100, move through 4 exciting game scenarios in memorable locations like The Smith House or Blips and Chitz with Morty Smith and Rick Sanchez.
